It is advisable to read Callum’s first session (In Recovery – a forever state of mind?) before reading this, his second session.
EM: Callum – good to see you. I was just looking over the notes from our first session and smiling at your “beardy bloke” comments – do you feel a bit more or less “beardy bloke” since we last met?
C: LAUGHS: I remember. Yep – going good, I was thinking of even growing one
EM: So – can you tell me what’s better since we last met Callum?
C: I’m doing okay, y’know, good really. Me breathing is good, TAKES OUT TASK SHEET FROM COAT POCKET AND REFERS TO TASKS: I’m doing good with me tasks, breathing slower, walking slower and all that
EM: Great – really pleased to hear that. How have you achieved that Callum? Stay small for me if you would, in detail
C: I started off doing some breathing exercises in the morning when I was getting ready, y’know – to remind meself then it came just natural. I did try to do Yoga stuff but I couldn’t get the hang of it so just carried on doing the breathing. I didn’t have to worry to much about the walking slower, that just came naturally in the end
EM: And that helped Callum?
C: Oh yeh, sorted on that really – great help, I can’t believe the difference it made to me
EM: And how does this change in your general demeanour help your management of stress?
C: Great – I know it sounds daft but I am really better on this – I have better thoughts and feel better – mad really I know
EM: I think its great Callum – what difference is it making to your wife would you say?
C: She says she notices the difference – first of all though she thought I had started puffing [smoking marijuana] I was so calm LAUGHS
EM: And you, what difference is it making to you, these strategies you use – to helping you manage your stress at work?
C: I don’t worry so much about everything. I know its not connected but I am a bit more organised – like in the morning when I am starting my slow breathing, I use that time to go through things in my head about what I’ve got to deal with that day and I tick it off in my head like a list sort of thing, just to remember and I see that if I am organised a bit better, it helps me to sort things. I might write a book about it!LAUGHS
EM: What about the Chess Callum? did you ever do anything about that?
C: No not yet, I’m doing alright with this first but I think I will get on to it, later probably
EM: Great – its all working for you nicely. Do you remember that Scale Walk we did last time?
C: Yep, I wanted to ask you about that – can I do that myself at home or has it got to be done here, you know…em. can I do it with my wife?
EM: You absolutely can! LAUGHS I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t make a great Scaling Walk that would put my plastic thing to shame Callum
C: I did. I started with this big plank of wood I had in the garden, I painted the steps on it and everything but I wasn’t sure if it had to be with you…you know, with asking me the questions and everything
EM: Absolutely not – I am delighted that you found it useful. Please do feel free to use your own one – send me a photo of it if you remember
C: Ok, will do
EM: Can I ask what number you are on, on your Walking Scale at home Callum?
C: Oh 10, for me – I’m doing okay and I’m pottering along with this and doing okay
EM: Well then, I would just say keep doing what it is that works for you – would you agree
C: Yeh, I did think I was going to go off the rails really but I have sorted meself out, it was probably just a worry for nothing really
EM: Yes, I agree – just a blip. So can I ask you Callum – these strategies of yours that have worked well for you, are these the ones that you would use again if you came across another blip at anytime?
C: Yep, I would, you know yourself best don’t ya?
EM: LAUGHS – oh you most certainly do Callum
The session closed at this point and there are no further meetings planned.