I have been reviewing the Kids Skills Place Mat as a resource for working with young children and just love it. Its a great tool which allows for using Solution Focused language and approach with a very young age group. When using the KIDS’ SKILLS placemat, the adult guides the young child through a series of 10 steps that will help him discover his strengths and personal resources.
Then, in order to further motivate the child, he will give him the opportunity to show his progress toward acquiring a new skill through the use of mini-stickers that are added on the treasure chest.This link will take you directly to their relevant website www.jesuiscapable.ca/KIDS-SKILLS-place-mat-3-to-10.html
When the objective has been reached, the place mat printed on both sides can be laminated and used at mealtimes. Then, the child can go regularly over his success with his family and friends.
Dear Eileen,
I attended your Southwark course a while back and would like to try the Kids Skills mat with the primary school kids Im working with. Hope you may be able to pass on a link to a UK distributor as the post cost from Canada is the same price as the mat. Thanks, all the best, kind regards, Nicky