This month, the UK government announced £300million funding for the provision of mental health interventions in schools and colleges. Funding for mental health resources are always a good thing - as is this. However, I would suggest that before schools and colleges go rushing off to … [Read more...]
Saluting Ferndale Roots…….
If you went strolling in the streets where you live, this evening and asked yourself "what could I do to improve the area for everyone?" and then listed what you could do to contribute to that - what would it be? When I do the stroll, it's usually in someone else's community on my travels. I … [Read more...]
You’re nobody till somebody……wants your vote
Yesterday evening was a cold, windy, rainsoaked event and I was weighing up whether to complete my journey home, stop at a restaurant or pop into a local pub for a warming whiskey. I think it was the gale that blew me home rather than any decision I made. As I turned the corner I saw a group of … [Read more...]
Wellness starts with a little direction………..
I am delighted to see that Wellness, Self-Care, Self-Management are the current buzzwords for health and recovery right now. It was a long time coming but its good to see an acknowledgement that it is the individual who knows their life best and, in that, knows what doesn't work for them and what … [Read more...]
Troubled Families? Why there is no time to quibble about the title…..
There is currently much quibbling about the title that central government has given to Louise Casey's remit to work with families who cause difficulties for themselves, their children and the wider community. In the past this group have been referred to as "Challenging Families", "Chaotic Families", … [Read more...]
Early Intervention – a luxury when its Universal but essential when its Targeted
Early Intervention has been a buzz-word in social care for some years and is again a focus of central government. The definition however, is understood differently by a whole range of professionals. A Report from C4Eo and the Association of Director of Children's Services defined Early … [Read more...]
You really do only get 4,000 weeks in a lifetime, so you may as well do something…
I recently tweeted that, as a guest speaker, I had offered a Positive Action speech instead of the Positive Thinking request that I was asked for. I was asked "surely the thinking comes first?" I disagree: we struggle to achieve change as individuals because, of course, the subconscious usually … [Read more...]
It’s What’s Right With You That Will Fix What’s Wrong With You
I revisited this article that I wrote in 2008 and only had to take a few words out. If there are any Mental Health Unit staff out there who read this and think "what nonsense, she is out of date on this"! - please contact me and I will gladly edit each and every time. Eileen It's what's right … [Read more...]